Melanoma Risk Calculators

New Zealand Melanoma Risk Calculator Clinical Decision Support Tool 

BPAC is pleased to introduce the first on-line risk predictor tool for cancer in New Zealand. This new tool for melanoma is part of BPAC's National Bestpractice Decision Support Suite in collaboration with the Health Promotion Agency and Dr Mary-Jane Sneyd, University of Otago. 

The tool calculates a patient's risk of developing a first primary invasive melanoma in the next five years. 

You can find instructions for accessing the tool here.

Melanoma Institute Australia First Primary Melanoma Risk Calculator

Researchers at the Melanoma Institute of Australia have developed a calculator to generate a patient's risk of developing a first primary invasive melanoma during the rest of their life. 

Please note, this tool is based on Australian data and may not perform reliably when applied to a New Zealand population. If you choose to use this calculator, it is recommended you select Tasmania as your region as this most closely correlates to NZ data. 

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Melanoma Institute Australia Sentinel Node Metastasis Risk Calculator

Melanoma Institute Australia' s online calculator predicts the risk that a patient’s primary melanoma has spread to nearby lymph nodes. The calculator will enable you to have more informed discussions with your patients based on each individual’s percentage risk of having a positive sentinel lymph node. 

Please note, this tool is based on Australian data and may not perform reliably when applied to a New Zealand population.

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Melanoma Institute Australia Subsequent Primary Melanoma Risk Calculator

Researchers at the Melanoma Institute of Australia have designed a calculator to generate an estimation of a patient's risk of developing another primary melanoma over the 10 years following their most recent melanoma. 

Please note, this tool is based on Australian data and may not perform reliably when applied to a New Zealand population.

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Melanoma Institute Australia Stage II Survival Predicton Tool 

Patients with high-risk localised melanoma (no evidence of spread at the time of diagnosis, but thick and possibly ulcerated), can now have personalised risk of recurrence and overall survival estimated.

The Stage II Survival Predication Tool will help guide clinical decision-making around whether or not their patients should have adjuvant immunotherapy, which is effective but also expensive and carries significant side effect risks. The tool has been developed and validated by the team at MIA in collaboration with investigators from the USA and the Netherlands using data from over 10,000 patients.

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Melanoma Institute Australia Immunotherapy Outcomes Prediction Calculator

Developed by researchers at Melanoma Institute Australia, the Immunotherapy Outcomes Prediction calculator is a clinical tool to help oncologists more accurately determine if their patients will respond to immunotherapy before starting treatment.

Since anti-CTLA4 treatment is not funded in New Zealand, use of the tool in New Zealand may be limited to guide those who can self-fund combination therapy of anti-PD-1/anti-CTLA4.

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